This is the homepage of, which is now dedicated to the open source engineering activities of Nigel Berrie, of Basingstoke in the UK.
This activity is to be based around a number of hardware designs, the first of which is called the rasp@berrie patch.
The rasp@berrie patch is a board that allows the user to interface a R-Pi computer to Arduino Uno and Arduino Mega Shields.
It has provision for an Atmel ATMEGA2560 processor as found on the Arduino Mega board, and/or a PIC processor with a USB interface.
The PIC can be programmed using the standard PIC ICSP interface.
The ATMEL processor can be programmed either using the R-Pi's SPI databus (like the GERT board), or by programming the PIC to act as a
simple USB to SPI bus interface.
It is called the rasp@berrie patch because it is a very versatile patch-board allowing the R-Pi, and the Arduino Uno or Mega interfaces
to be configured in many different ways, using the PIC or the ATMEGA processors as I/O breakout for the R-Pi.
The Raspberry Pi Foundation
PIC18F87J50 data
ATMEGA2560-16AU data
Rasp@berrie Patch Design Information
I will add Circuit Diagrams and layout information as I progress in the development of the rasp@berrie patch, and this website.
If you are interested in the project, you can contact me using rasp@berrie (dot com).